Prepare for your examinations with a set of multiple choice questions (MCQs) related to Welding Techniques for Welder Trade. The questions are likely designed to test a user’s knowledge or understanding of Mechanic Diesel concepts and may be useful for exam preparation or self-assessment. The website may be a helpful resource for individuals studying to become Welder or seeking to improve their understanding of Welder principles.
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MISCELLANEOUS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS WELDER bharat skillbharat skillsbharat skills mcqbharat skills multiple choice questionbharat skills multiple choice question bankbharat skills multiple choice questionsbharat skills practice questionsbharat skills questionsby arc welding?degreeDelhi Skill and Entrepreneurship Universitydiesel mechanicdiplomadseufrom the surface of the weld metal plate?How do you name the depression formed at the end of the weld?How much current should be setrun off plates in arc welding?to weld 10 mm thick platesWhat arc length should be used to reduce the spatter?What are the two types of MS pipes?What defect do you find in the given figure?What happens if the root gap is less than one sixth of plate thickness?What is defined as the vertical position of groove welding?What is polarity?What is the angle of the electrode while welding in a vertical position?What is the conversion function of a rectifier?What is the effect due to the long arc in welding?What is the indication of wrong polarity in DC welding?What is the name of a joint if two members welded in the same plane?What is the name of the type of joint for the symbol shown in "A"?What is the purpose of fixing run onWhat is the purpose of wrapping the weld cable around the job in welding?What is the shape of the weld finish symbol?What is the size of nozzle suitable for welding a 50mm dia pipeWhat is the term for the depth of fusionWhat should be the angle for a double bevel butt joint?What should be the angle of electrode in horizontal position welding?What should be the angle of electrode in the flat position welding?when the equipment is changed for AC to DC supply in arc welding?Which among the joints are covered under the fillet group?Which arc length produces correct fusion?Which arc length produces popping sound?Which defect can be controlled by keeping a magnetic bridge on the top of the groove joint?Which defect will occurWhich is used for arc welding if there is no electric power supply?Which metal is used to make earth clamps in a welding machine?Which of the accessories should be worn during overhead welding?Which of the following gas is used in TIG welding?Which one of the following do not assist fire?Which one of the following is used to convert AC to DC supply in a welding machine?Which polarity is used in welding cast iron?Which polarity is used in welding with heavy and super heavy coated electrodes?Which position is advantageous for easy welding?Which type of arc length is used in thin sheet metals?Which type of arc length produces deep penetration weld?Which type of arc produces a humming sound?Which type of electrode produces short arc length?Which type of metal is used in a welding cable?Which type of polarity is used in aluminum welding?Which type of polarity is used in bare wire electrodes?Which type of polarity is used in welding non ferrous metals?Which type of transformer is used in arc welding?Which type polarity used in sheet metal welding?with 3.15mm wall thickness?